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Forced Air Coolers

TRJ SUPERFLOW™ Forced Air Coolers


The optional dual function package (option DF) provides the added capability for the unit to function as a precooler and a room cooling unit. This is proven to be a popular option since it provides greater flexibility. It includes a two speed motor and a special control package. Also available with electronic variable speed drive control. Notes: 1. Optimum pallets per cycle, however, number of pallets varies by product 2. Dimensions for low profile units available on request 3. Hot gas defrost recommended only on multiple unit installations 4. Consult factory for application suitability 5. TR is Tons Refrigeration (capacity) 6. Special options and configurations available on all models 7. Maximum pallet height shown. Unit built to accommodate customer’s highest pallet 8. Consult TRJ for compressor system details 9. Specifications subject to change without notice Option Codes: DF - Dual Function LP - Low Profile HGD - Hot Gas Defrost WD - Water Defrost AD - Air Defrost
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